Rye Harbour – Home Before the Storm – Oil Painting by Sussex Artist Bob Augarde

Rye Harbour – Home Before the Storm – Oil Painting by Sussex Artist Bob Augarde

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Sussex Artists

Artist: Bob Augarde

Artist: Bob Augarde

Rye Harbour - Home Before the Storm - Oil Painting by Sussex Artist Bob Augarde

Image Size: 24” x 20” unframed
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Original Painting For Sale
Please Contact the Artist for details

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Bob Augarde

Robertsbridge, East Sussex

Landscapes, Seascapes
Trains, Boats and Planes and anything that inspires me

Please mention the Sussex Artists website
Email: gailaugarde@hotmail.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I am a self-taught hobby artist and have drawn, painted and illustrated since my teens.
I an now retired from a working life as an architectural draughtsman and am able to devote more time to my art.

Art Group / Exhibitions

I do not currently belong to any local art group but exhibit in a local coffee shop and pub.
In 2022 I was one of three local artists invited to show my seascapes at ‘The Sea, The Sea’
Exhibition at the Stables Theatre Art Gallery in Hastings.

Mermaid Street, Rye Painting – East Sussex Art Gallery

Mermaid Street, Rye Painting – East Sussex Art Gallery

Sussex Artists & Sussex Art – Paintings, Commissions and Prints

Artist: David Harmer

Artist: David Harmer

Mermaid Street, Rye Painting - East Sussex Art Gallery

Art Medium: Watercolour
Image Size: 30cm x 40cm
Availability: SOLD
Price Guide: Original Paintings from £75

Commissions Invited

This Sussex Art is by an artist from the Surrey Artists Website

Surrey Artists Website

Contact The Artist

David Harmer

Watercolour Artist

St John's Village, Woking, Surrey

Phone: 01483 767 200
Mobile: 0750 036 5463
Please mention the Surrey Artists website
Email: davidrpharmer@gmail.com
Website: www.davidharmerwatercolour.co.uk
Blog: www.offtoafineart.com

Gallery Of Sussex Art By Surrey & Berkshire Artists

About The Artist

I have been painting in watercolour now for about twenty years. Most of what I have learned has been through observation and tuition at workshops, and through art clubs. I live now in St.Johns Village, not far from the Basingstoke canal, which in itself is an inspiration, offering up endless subjects changing throughout the year.

This gallery is a showcase of some of my watercolour paintings. For a full set see my website. Some of them are recent, and some are not so, but just retained because I like them. Some of them were sold long ago, others are still available. Waterways are a constant favourite, either local or from my travels. There is nothing quite like watercolour for depicting water. However, the gallery does show quite a mix of subjects, and as you can see, elephants have fascinated me for some time.

Sussex Art Scenes including Bosham Harbour painted by Surrey Artist David Harmer

Watercolour is my chosen medium. It can be infuriating, but rewarding when successful. I have come a long way with it, but there is always more to do, so am unlikely to change to another medium. Occasionally I add some ink for a particular effect, otherwise I depend on the purity of watercolour.

Painting is for me a pleasure, and exhibiting is part of the experience. I usually exhibit locally four or five times a year, with regular venues in Guildford and Pirbright.

Sales enquiries are are gladly received. I don't as yet produce prints, maybe I will one day, but so far have only sold originals. I have sent pictures all over the globe, and can go into detail if you want to enquire about any particular painting. At the time of writing this, the paintings which I have sold are widely distributed not only across the UK, but also hang in collections in France, Eire, Spain, Italy, Greece, Holland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

I am always very pleased to receive commissions.

Art Groups

Full exhibiting member of Woking Society of Arts
Exhibiting member of Pirbright Art Club

Websites For Artists

The Derek Cooke website has been created by Surrey and Sussex Artists. If you are an artist in need of a website, please Contact Us.

Artist website for Derek Cooke by Sussex Artists

Art WebsiteTestimonials

"Dear Chris,
We are delighted with our art website. In addition to all the items we requested, you have added many artistic details that really enhanced the site.
We would also like to thank you for your patience, explaining and talking us through all the concepts we did not understand.
It has also been reassuring knowing that you are on the end of the phone ready to answer our queries as they arise.
It has been a pleasure working with you.

Best regards."

Derek and Diane Cooke

Art Website by Surrey Artists

"This is the second website that Chris and Colette from Surrey Artists have designed for me and I am delighted with the result. They put in an amazing amount of work collating a large amount of detail to ensure my paintings are professionally displayed.
The finished website has already attracted a large number of serious enquiries some of which have been converted"

David Harmer

Art Website by Surrey Artists