Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Sussex Artists

Artist: Nathalie Bos

Artist: Nathalie Bos

Lemurs Oil Painting - Crowborough Arts member Nathalie Bos
Image Size: 55cm x 46cm
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Original Painting Price: £450

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Nathalie Bos

Mayfield, East Sussex

Animal and Wildlife Artist
Pet Portraits

Phone: 07394 442045
Please mention the Sussex Artists website
Instagram: nathaliebos

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

I am a self-taught artist based in Mayfield, East Sussex. I developed my painting techniques in oils through tutorials and books. Animals have always been a great source of inspiration and a passion. They have therefore become my favorite subjects; pets or wildlife.

Nathalie Bos - Exhibiting Animal and Wildlife Artist from Mayfield East Sussex

Nathalie Bos - Mayfield, East Sussex Animal and Wildlife Artist, painting in Oils. Pet Portraits: Please contact me for details.

Cat Portrait by Crowborough Arts member Nathalie Bos - Animal Artist
Bluebirds Watercolour Painting - Mayfield East Sussex Animal Artist Nathalie Bos
Puffin Portrait - Animal Artist Nathalie Bos from Mayfield East Sussex

Art Group

Nathalie is a member of Crowborough Arts.